What You Should Know About Plastic Surgery, Definition, Types And Subtypes

Plastic surgery is just one of the various surgical treatments that may be performed on humans and even animals. It is more about reconstruction than what people believe of it nowadays. Plastic surgery has given many people the opportunity to live the way they want to live, as well as a better and healthier lifestyle. Are you looking for one? Perhaps you might look at the Lucia clinic plastic surgery.

We'll go through plastic surgery and its various types briefly so you understand what it entails.

However, let us first define plastic surgery.

Plastic surgery is a surgical specialty that focuses on the repair, reconstruction, or modification of the human body. This operation is both safe and inexpensive. Many people regard living a confident life as natural.

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While reconstructive and/or repair surgery focuses on helping to rebuild and/or repair a damaged part of the body or improve its functions, cosmetic or aesthetic surgery focuses on improving the appearance of that body part.

Plastic surgery is a vast field of medical practice, and in addition to the categories mentioned above, there are numerous subcategories, which include:

Cosmetic surgery. This is the most important aspect of plastic surgery. It entails facial and body surgery. Cosmetic or aesthetic surgery is performed by plastic surgeons to improve the overall physical appearance.

Burn treatment. Acute burn surgery, which is performed right away, and reconstruction burn surgery, which is performed after the wounds have healed.

Craniofacial surgery Treatment of congenital and trauma-caused deformities and abnormalities. As a result, it is divided into two categories: paediatric craniofacial surgery and adult craniofacial surgery.

Microsurgery, paediatric plastic surgery, hand surgery, ethnic plastic surgery, and prison plastic surgery are some of the other subtypes.