Where Does Thermage Work on the Human Body?

In your youth, your skin was firm and supple. Over time, your skin's natural barriers to gravity's aging effects deteriorate. As a result, you'll see drooping and lax skin on your body and face. Learn more about Thermage for body in Dubai.

Where on the Human Body is Thermage Performed?

Thermage uses radiofrequency radiation to tighten your skin, which may help you get rid of wrinkles and fine lines. This gentle technique could improve the skin on your entire body.

The Face You

Since the face is one of the first parts of the body to show the effects of age, facial drooping occurs rather frequently. The facial skin is beautifully firmed and tightened after this cosmetic operation.

This surgery can tighten skin that is sagging around the jowls, which may also smooth out wrinkles around the lips and eyes.

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Your Actual Body

With this technique, you can tighten the skin all over your body, not just on your face. Your neck, chest, knees, stomach, and thighs could all have this treatment from the doctor to tighten the skin and improve its appearance.

The doctor will examine your skin and determine whether this treatment is beneficial for you.

Please describe how this procedure will help my skin become tighter.

This ground-breaking therapy promotes your body to manufacture more collagen using cutting-edge research.

The Crucial Role of Collagen

Your skin's elasticity and firmness are mostly due to the protein collagen. Your skin benefits from the support of this fibrous substance as it fights gravity. When you are young, collagen production is at its maximum. As a result, your skin will be firm and healthy.

It's unfortunate that your body loses the ability to generate collagen as you age. Your behaviors and UV exposure both have the potential to harm collagen fibers in your skin. More particular, excessive sun exposure can harm collagen fibers. Smoking and eating a poor diet can harm these fibers. As collagen levels drop and the existing collagen fibers become more fragile, loose, sagging skin develops on the face and other body areas.